Leadership Team Blog

Read regular blogs from the Leadership Team at CCSU.

All things Education and Wellbeing


Christmas has ended, New Years was a blast, and my weight in food was consumed. That can only mean that it's back to work! The first month back is always the busiest. Time is spent catching up, recapping on what happened last term and remembering that it’s not the holidays anymore. After many cups of coffee, a few sleepless nights, a cold or two and graduation, I can safely say I have survived January.

What have I been up to I hear you ask?! Well, here is a run down just for you!


Union on Tour

What is Union on Tour? Once a month the Sabbatical Officers visit each of the 3 campuses (Broadstairs, Canterbury & Medway) to engage with students and find out what’s happening on campus. As an added bonus, we always come with freebies!! Want to come say hi? Here is our dates for the rest of term.

Canterbury - Touchdown  12th February: 11am-2pm
Broadstairs - Dwell   23rd February: 11am-2pm
Medway - Touchdown  7th March: 11am-2pm


Student Time
Do you need to talk to a Sabbatical Officer? Have a burning question or need some advice? Come and find me! Every Thursday, between 2pm-4pm, I can be found sitting in The Lounge (CCSU) or Touchdown on campus, readily available to ALL students. Here are my locations for the rest of term.

4th February - Lounge  3rd March - Lounge
11th February - Touchdown  10th March - Touchdown
18th February - Lounge 17th March - Lounge
25th February - Touchdown  


Ever wonder what happens when Sabbs go to meetings? We represent YOU! I sit in a range of meetings from assessment regulations to sustainability. During the month of January I have disputed re-assessment to make it fairer to all students, contributed to the graduate attributes board helping to shape our students futures and fought for a more manageable and reliable timetabling and room booking system.


Challenge US

The Sabbatical officers have been on all 3 campuses, handing out fruit, veg and other goodies and asking for your feedback on our challenge US cards which can be found here ccsu.co.uk/yourvoice/challenge - we’ve spoken to over 500 of you, and your voices are being heard! We have gone through all the data collected and we are starting to see some trends including parking, timetabling and food!

Refreshers Fayre

We had a refreshers fayre at both Canterbury and Broadstairs campuses. It was so lovely to meet and talk to both sports and societies and find out how last term went, and your plans for this term too! Keep up the hard work!

Union Council

Union Council are group of elected part-time officers, who represent all walks of the student life. Ever wondered what goes on in Union Council? Are you represented? You can find all of our motions and minutes of meetings at ccsu.co.uk/yourvoice/unioncouncil - You can also get in touch with any of your Union Council officers, and you can find them here ccsu.co.uk/yourvoice/elected-officers

Manifesto Update

Part of running for a Sabbatical Role, means writing a manifesto, so that students will vote for you (which I am eternally grateful for!) - therefore, my most important job is making sure that I complete my manifesto, so that all your voting was worth it! Want to find out how I’m doing? Take a look at ccsu.co.uk/yourvoice/elected-officers/presidentwelfareedu


Finally, I wanted to end of a happy note! So I thought I would let you know, I GRADUATED! For all you 3rd year students worrying that it’s all coming to an end so fast, relax a little. Graduation is the most amazing day, and although it may be an end to university, it really is a hello to the rest of your life. You’ll never feel more proud of yourself! Keep up the hard work, you can do it!

As always, I’m always available to ALL students. Whether you come to me, or need me to come to you, it’s always a pleasure.

Come say hi to me in the office, or contact me..

01227 782518

education.wellbeing@ccsu.co.uk or nicola@ccsu.co.uk

Have a happy day! :)
