Do you know someone who deserves an award for their contribution to the student experience?


The Student Voice & Golden Apple Awards is an annual award ceremony that aims to celebrate all staff and students who have made a significant impact on your student lives.

This year the awards will be taking place on Wednesday 29th May 2024, 13:00 - 16:00 in Augustine Hall, Canterbury and will be hosted by the Students' Union in proud collaboration with Peer Mentoring, Careers and Enterprise, and the School and College Engagement Team.

In the run up to the awards, we are asking all of you to nominate the staff and students who have continuously had a positive impact on your time at university. Sometimes, we all need to hear just how great we are doing!

Nominations open on Thursday 28th March and will close on Thursday 25th April at 17:00. 


Submit your nominations

As we're hosting multiple award please submit your nominations via the following links:

  • The Golden Apple Awards - are open to all students, this section of the awards is dedicated to shining a light on the exceptional university staff who commit themselves to creating a safe and positive environment at CCCU. From fostering a vibrant campus community to providing invaluable support services, these individuals go above and beyond to ensure students thrive. So, please nominate the staff member, this is not exclusive to academic staff but to recognise all staff that have made an impact on your student experience! 

  • The Student Voice Awards - open to all students, this section of the awards is dedicated to recognising the Student Representatives who have volunteered their time to amplify the voice of students across the university. These unsung heroes dedicate themselves to improving the academic experience, tackling concerns and advocating for a thriving learning environment. From course content to campus resources, Student Representatives ensure student voices are heard loud and clear. Please nominate a Student Rep, this can be a course, school or faculty rep, that has made an impact on your experience!

  • The Peer Mentor Awards - open to all mentees, mentors, and staff to nominate a Peer Mentor, Course Mentor and 'Believe, Achieve, Mentor, Empower' Mentor who has gone the extra mile in their role. These awards seek to recognise the dedication of the student mentors at CCCU and demonstrate the far-reaching impact of the time they have volunteered. If you know a mentor that deserves to be celebrated, please nominate them!

  • The Ambassador Awards - open to all students and staff members looking to nominate outstanding Student Ambassadors at CCCU. From working at Answers' Days to engaging with young people in schools and colleges as well as supporting the international community at the university and promoting the amazing experiences on offer at CCCU, our Student Ambassadors demonstrate how undertaking these roles while studying can develop your skills and enhance your student experience. We want to recognise this and celebrate the achievements of our ambassadors at the Student Voice and Golden Apple Awards this year. So, please nominate a student you think deserves to be recognised!


Volunteering and GradForce are awards that cannot be nominated for. These are in recognition of the time students have dedicated outside of their studies, to their personal development.

If you are a student volunteer, make sure that your volunteering log is up to date. These can be roles outside and with the university. The hours you log are not just recognised at the awards ceremony in May, but also on your university transcript.

Head to the Volunteering Hub to log your hours!


How we will celebrate the Students and Staff you nominate:

Once you have nominated someone, each winner and runner up will receive complimentary entrance to the awards, a certificate and for the winners, a trophy.

All nominees will be invited to the awards and recognised for their hard work. After the ceremony, we will be circulating all the positive things you have said, to the nominee excluding your name unless you have decided to send a video nomination. Please give as much detail when nominating your winner so that you can make their day!


Booking onto the Student Voice and Golden Apple Awards:

As well as nominating, you too are welcome to come and celebrate on the day!

Information on how to book onto the awards will be released on Wednesday 1st May.**


**Update: General booking for students and staff will be released from Tuesday 21st May. At present, only nominees can book a space at the event due to limited seating.