Candidate for the position of MedSoc - Lead Academic Rep



I would like to support good communication between students and faculty, representing the whole of the student body fairly so that all voices can be heard. 
I would also like to encourage kindness in our communications. We are all taking on an exciting but difficult challenge as we build the foundations of KMMS together, and this will include some problems and tensions as students gain the lived experience of what a medical degree at KMMS demands. I would like to continue to enable students to partner with the school in providing good, critical feedback, so that we can continue to improve the student experience for future cohorts, and also address current issues as they arise. 
I want all students to have a voice, and with the variety of background experiences I have had I believe I am able to be a sympathetic and understanding representative of the student voice, who is can communicate clearly to KMMS the needs and concerns of the student body.