Candidate for the position of MedSoc - Wellbeing Officer

Image for ZARA McGrath

ZARA McGrath

The well being of students should be a priority of KMMS. Our curriculum is very rigorous, with far more assessments and higher standards for learning than any other medical course. It is well acknowledged that stress is something that comes with the territory of studying medicine. However, KMMS is a new medical school and as we have all experienced, they don’t always get it right. It is therefore imperative that we are taught how to better cope with the stress we face and that we are signposted to where we can receive the help we need. I want to ensure that this medical school has a positive culture when it come to asking for help. I want to make sure we have the resources we need to get help and that our concerns are reasonably addressed. I want to offer workshops which will outline ways to help students learn how to best cope with stress. As we have all chosen to undertake one of the most difficult degrees you can study in the UK, we deserve all the support we need throughout.