Candidate for the position of President (Campaigns and Societies)

Image for Manuel Joao Faria Guimaraes

Manuel Joao Faria Guimaraes

Olá, my name is Manuel, and I am a Portuguese international student at CCCU. I am gay and bi-gender and use He/They. For the last 3 years, while studying Plant Science (BSc), I have been heavily integrated into the Student’s Union, specifically around Societies and Campaigns.

My previous and current positions:

  • Treasurer of the CCSU International Student Society: 2021/22
  • President of the CCSU International Student Society: 2022/23
  • Society Coordinator (Cultural and Community lead) in USEC (Union Society Executive Committee): 2022/23

Within these positions, I have witnessed multiple issues that need resolving. So, to participate more actively and give back to the CCCU student community, as well as to address issues within the university and the union, I am running for the position of President of Campaigns and Societies in the 2023/24 elections.

Previous and current work:

I am a founder of the International Students Society (ISS), of which I have been a key member and representative for all its members.

I have subsequently created a network of fellow students/societies and put myself forward anytime a fellow society needs help and/or support.

I addition to that, I have organised and collaborated Society Takeovers with the highest attendance in the last 2 years.

As treasurer of ISS in 2021/22, I won my Half-colours, a symbol of my contribution to the International Students Societies and other societies of our collective.

As President of ISS in 2022/23, I was able to establish good relations with other societies, and keep us working effectively, despite of the multiple hardships the society has faced since the beginning of the year, like membership numbers, communications issues, and unstable committee.

Some of the societies I have been in closer contact and developed good relationships with are the LGBTQIA+ Society, Disabled Students Society, Spanish Society, Socialist Society, Karaoke Society, Gym Society.

I have been one of the most active voices regarding international students, advocating for their needs/wishes within the university and the union.

USEC contributions:

  • As the USEC’s International, Cultural and community Lead between the Society Coordinators, I am currently responsible to directly support the societies under my wing with their goals, problems, activities and events while also making sure they are organized and well prepared to take on any of their duties.
  • Within this position, I am also responsible in supporting the current President of Campaigns and Societies and generally the Union in any affairs that require my involvement, including campaigns.
  • Been a familiar and friendly face societies can rely on when they need support or simply someone to talk to and share their concerns with.
  • Present at most of the Takeovers in the past 2 years, being only unable to attend in case of great emergency or sickness, always providing societies with support during their takeovers.
  • Carried of the organization of events like Carnaval to promote students and societies engagement, more culturally diverse events and a better relationship with the Lounge.
  • I accompanied the creation and early stages of the “Educate, Understand and Respect” campaign, being in close contact with its organizers.

My plan if elected:


Funding and finance:

In face of the cost-of-living crisis, I intend to promote and develop societies finances, funding, and memberships to guarantee more independency, growth, and cost transparency.

  • Evaluate how societies finances work, from budget visualisation to claim backs and purchases, to guarantee societies are more comfortable in spending their money for their activities.
  • Redirect part of the budget that might be misdirected into the societies budgets so they are able to extend their action, so that they can grow their platforms and depend more on their own individual resources.
  • Reshape societies memberships to be more inclusive of the various types of students that attend CCCU, for example, exchange students
  • Lobby and support the societies to guarantee full cost transparency, by including all their costs in their memberships.
  • Reinforce Treasurer training and support throughout the year.

Socials and events:

In face of all the recent events organised and promoted by societies, I feel there is a need for intervention in the form of support and leadership when it comes to societies community activities and events. I propose the development of a ‘societies unique culture’ and experience which will contribute to an all-inclusive identity and experience to all taking part in societies.

  • Provide event organization training and workshops to committees and actively support them with their events and socials like Takeovers and others.
  • Seek more feedback about accessibility and inclusivity around events and the spaces they use, so that we can correct then and guarantee a wider and better inclusion of everyone that wants to get involved.
  • Organize more annual or biannual events, such as, but not limited to, Eurovision watch parties, Carnaval, Holi, Halloween, and more, with a goal of boosting engagement and student events and also bringing awareness to the Union’s and University’s cultural diversity.
  • Reshape the SCA’s (Society Awards) to be more financially inclusive, since it is supposed to celebrate student achievements and voluntary work, making it more representative of the people involved by having an open and free award ceremony, and possibly an afterparty.



  • Continue to support existing campaigns, like ‘Educate. Understand. Respect’.
  • Keep conversations and reengage the Union more intensively with the “Closing Our Gap” network and the BAME students’ community.
  • Guarantee students are aware of how to start a campaign within the union and provide guidance on how to continue this.
  • Reach out to more underrepresented students, for example: LGBTQIA+, trans, disabled, BAME, international, and others, to support them with launching campaigns and maintaining these new campaigns.



  • Continue the regular attendance of the sabbatical officers at the Medway campus. Improving it by providing mental health and wellbeing support.
  • Reinforce the support and communication with Medway societies and campaigns.
  • Connect Canterbury and Medway campuses through extending campaigns between both and creating more common events on both campuses. This can be done through online and face to face workshops and activities organized and promoted by the Union.
  • Promote the relationship between the Hub Medway and the Union.
  • Reach out to more underrepresented students’ groups and provide the necessary support.


Student experience and events

  • Be a key member in the planning and execution of Freshers and Refreshers’ Fayre. Ensuring they are more inclusive, accessible, and representative of everyone attending these events.
  • Be more transparent with Union work and action by having more regular newsletters or other forms of publication.
  • Create more volunteering opportunities within the Union and the university.
  • Get more involved with the BAME network and the ‘Closing Our Gap’ campaign to guarantee a more equal, diverse, and inclusive union.


In summary, it is my intention to continue the positive work my predecessors have established. Meanwhile bringing fresh ideas and opportunities to the table, with possible solutions for problems that are yet to be solved.


With this I would like to invite you to vote for me if you would like to see a Union you can relate to.