Candidate for the position of President (Community, Diversity and Inclusion)

Image for Ines Abella Romero

Ines Abella Romero

Hi, my name is Inés.


 I graduated in September from Criminology and Sociology.


I have been working for the Student’s Union since July, as the President of Community, Diversity and Inclusion. This role has made a great impact in my life, and I would love to get the opportunity to stay for one more year to finish all the campaigns I have been working on. 


If I get re-elected, my main priorities will be: 




  • Keep working with Kent Police and the Night Time Safety group to provide students with safety at night, especially on nights out.

  • Keep working with the Student Green Office and Ecostudents to make sure we keep helping reduce the carbon footprint as well as more eco-friendly practices.

  • Make sure that student voices are heard specially in other campuses like Medway.

  • Focus on a Consent and sex positive campaign 




  • Keep helping out with Student led campaigns, to be able to bring awareness and visibility.

  • Work with University and the EDI team to improve the non-continuation of gender gap, BAME gap and misrepresentation, and employment gap. 

  • Keep my work with the Student Union President to make sure international students get all the support they need, especially regarding university timetables and exam dates




  • Work with the President (Sports and Engagement) to keep mandatory trainings for committee members, including training on trans and non-binary inclusion, unconscious prejudice, and disability awareness

  • Help international students by creating workshops, to be able to understand the UK education system better when coming to University for the first time 

  • Keep working with the university and the national framework Athena Swan, that helps fight the gender gap and gender equality.

  • To keep facilitating awareness and education, regarding history and inclusivity




  • Continue to ensure chooseday chill is beneficial for students 

  • Keep up the Mental wellbeing drop ins on campus, to facilitate information to students 

  • Improve the information given to students regarding Report and Support and the procedures involved.

  • Keep working with the President (Campaigns and Societies) to run wellbeing campaigns and including Sexual Health, Drug Awareness, Period Poverty and Consent

  • Run alcohol free campaigns


Thank you for reading my Manifesto. If you have any questions about any points, you can contact me on Instagram [inesforfuturepres] or on facebook [Inés Abella].

Thank you!