The University Learning Skills Hub has a module on Academic Integrity which gives you lots of tips on good referencing and avoiding plagiarism.
Essentially, Academic Integrity is a set of values that all students must apply to academic work. It helps you learn how to use other people's ideas when creating your own work. These are:
- Honesty
- Trust
- Fairness
- Responsibility
- Respect
For further reading and guidance, please go to the Learning and Teaching Enhancement page on Academic Integrity. The full Policy on Academic Integrity can also be found here.
Student Academic Misconduct is a breach of Academic Integrity which includes Plagiarism. The procedure can be found here.
Thinking about buying work online? Then please think again, as this is a serious breach of Academic Integrity, known as Contract Cheating. Watch the videos below to find out why it is not a good idea to buy your essay online.
It is now illegal for companies to offer an essay-writing service!

I have been informed of an allegation of Academic Misconduct/Plagiarism, by my course, what should I do?
Firstly don’t panic, this happens a lot in the University and it sounds serious (which in a way it is) but it is supposed to be a learning experience for the student.
At any Academic Misconduct meeting/written response you need to be open and honest, tell them exactly what happened, if you didn’t reference properly or over used a particular source or copied from the internet, then say so, admit you were wrong but have learnt from your mistakes and will attempt to improve your style of writing in the future. Always request further support and a tutorial with the marking tutor if you are given the opportunity to resit
Students are entitled to representation from the Students’ Union (except for minor issues). Arrange to discuss with the Students’ Union Advice Centre ( in good time before any meeting in order to go through the case and prepare. In your email please give a brief explanation of the situation and include your course, year and campus. PLEASE FORWARD US THE EVIDENCE PACK so we can support you.
NB: for Professional Health students; if your case is deemed to be serious misconduct this could lead to a potential Fitness to Practise Panel.
“As a Students’ Union Advice Centre we offer advice in good faith, based on knowledge, experience and the best information available to us. Students who seek our help must take responsibility for their own decisions based on the advice we give.”