Candidate for the position of MedSoc - Wellbeing Officer

AMELIA Townsend

Hi guys, I’m Amelia! I’m running for Student Life and Wellbeing Officer because I think it’s important to have people looking out for us, as we’ve decided to dedicate our lives to looking out for others. I have so many different plans for what I’d love to do for you all including working with KMMS sport / MedSoc Social Sec to organise various activities and events for de-stressing, working with the KMMS student life and wellbeing team to get them more involved with the cohorts, organising more events with Olive (she’s the best!) and providing information and techniques for you to have a go at if you wish!

I’ve had some previous experience with wellbeing as I’ve spent the past 3 months being a welfare officer with the musical theatre society, and I’m also currently the unofficial wellbeing officer for Surgical Society. I feel like I’m a really approachable person and I would be more than happy for people to come to me with whatever they want to talk about, whether that be wellbeing ideas, a wellbeing issue of their own, or just for a chat! I know quite a lot of different services and people involved in wellbeing groups (for example yoga and meditation) so if there is a problem I can’t solve, I can certainly try and point you in the right direction. If you’re someone who doesn’t like to talk about things or participate in group activities, I would really like to push for the MedSoc website to have a wellbeing page that I could upload information and practice techniques to so that you can still access this individually.

Overall, I just like people to be happy, and if I can help make that happen, I would really like to be able to do that! Thank you