We want you, our students, to help us officially name the Students’ Union building! We’ve been researching inspiring people who are pioneers in celebrating diversity and championing inclusion.

We’ve narrowed it down to Yvonne Conolly CBE and Mary Seacole as finalists because they represent the power of education and resilience in the face of adversity. 

Vote Now

Voting closes 5pm on Monday 20 May 2024.

More about Yvonne Conolly and Mary Seacole

Yvonne Conolly (1939 - 2021), arrived from Jamaica as part of the Windrush generation and became the UK’s first Black female headteacher, defying prejudice to create opportunities for others.

Mary Seacole (1805-1881), broke social rules and prejudices to travel the world, run businesses and help those in need, notably working as a nurse during the Crimean War and becoming a wartime heroine.

Yvonne Conolly (left) and Mary Seacole (right)

Their stories remind us of the importance of breaking down barriers and creating a space where everyone feels empowered to contribute. 

We encourage you to learn more about these remarkable women and cast your vote to help us choose the name that best embodies the spirit of our Students’ Union!

Who can vote?

Only current CCCU students can vote in naming the student building, so please login and have your say. The winner of this vote will go to the University to be formally approved.

Why does the building need a name?

Christ Church Student's Union moved back onto campus in September 2023 into our new home which is part of the Anselm Building. It's always been our plan to give the building a new name to not only show our individuality, but to also allow us to name the building after a truly inspirational person.