Being a Course Rep
The role of a Course Rep is vital to ensure a high-quality student experience and to support student retention and success.
Here is an overview of what you can expect to do as a Course Rep, the experiences and skills you will gain as well as many other perks!
Why do we have Course Reps?
The University is committed to ensuring that students are provided with the opportunity to contribute to the shaping of your learning experience individually, collectively and through your representational body, your Students' Union.
How do I become a Course Rep?
Course Reps are voted in through an in-class election. To become a Course Rep simply contact your Course Director and inform them of your interest. Once elected, you will be invited to attend a training session with the Student Voice Team.
If you are unsure of who your Course Director is contact us on and we will help you find your Course Director.
Once elected...
If you have been elected as a Course Rep, please use the sign-up form, to register for one of the training sessions below.
You must complete a training session in order to be fully enrolled as a rep, to gain access to training materials and to receive your reference from the Deputy Vice Chancellor at the end of the academic year.
If for any reason you are unable to attend a training session or have special requirements, please get in touch with the team at
Training Dates 2024/25
- Canterbury - Tuesday 22nd October: 13:00 - 17:00, AH3.31 (Augustine House, Library)
- Medway - Thursday 24th October: 13:00 - 16:00, RWG12 (Rowan Williams)
- Online - Tuesday 29th October, 17:30 - 19:30
Students will be emailed with further information on the training dates, including a link for the online sessions when the recruitment period has passed on Monday 14th October. If you would like to register early for a training session -Sign-up here!
Future Training and Upskilling Opportunities
Time and Locations to be confirmed. Sign-up forms for these sessions will be available from December.
The full University policy regarding student representation can be found here.
Info on the Student Voice Fora meetings held in your course is here
Info on the Boards of Studies meetings held in your school is here
Staff Guidance
If you are a Course Director or other member of staff supporting Course Reps, you can view our Course Rep Guide for Staff. If you have further queries, please contact