Deriving its authority from the Education and the Student Experience Committee of Academic Board, the Faculty Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee shall have operational oversight of the implementation within the Faculty of the University Learning and Teaching strategy, and shall:
1. Scrutinise and recommend to the Education and the Student Experience Committee an annual report on action to implement the University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy within the Faculty;
2. Approve the Faculty Learning, Teaching, and Assessment Action Plan, identifying areas for priority action and opportunities for enhancement;
3. Receive programme proposals and documentation for consideration, to ensure that programme design: (i) offers explicit assurance that threshold standards are being set and will be maintained
(ii) meets the expectations of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education, including the Framework for High Education Qualifications for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and relevant subject or qualification benchmark statements and or qualification characteristics documents
(iii) has in place arrangements that will support students to achieve successful outcomes, supporting strong retention, graduate outcomes and employability
(iv) aligns with the University’s Regulation and Credit Framework and Academic Framework, or that appropriate special regulations are in place
(v) leads to an appropriate award title that is supported by a relevant diet of modules
(vi) meets any relevant professional, statutory and/or regulatory body requirements
(vii) has entry requirements that are fair and appropriate
(viii) has an appropriate mode of attendance and a realistic calendar
(ix) has a learning and teaching strategy that will enable students to achieve the learning outcomes
(x) has an assessment strategy that will provide students with a fair opportunity to demonstrate their achievement of the learning outcomes
(xi) has in place plans systematically to engage students in appropriate decision making fora and to make use of their feedback
(xii) is supported an appropriately qualified and experienced staff team
(xiii) is supported by a resource base that will be appropriate to the subject matter and to delivering a student experience of high quality
(xiv) is supported by accurate and clear documentation
(xv) ensures that apprenticeship programmes meet the requirements set out within the Apprenticeships Framework. Make a recommendation to the Faculty Quality Committee that the documentation is submitted to the Standing Approval Panel
4. Maintain oversight of:
i. the implementation of the University Learning and Teaching Strategy within the Faculty, as well as the implementation of other relevant University policies as appropriate
ii. activities to encourage research and academic professional development relating to Learning, Teaching and Assessment
iii. activities to disseminate across the Faculty good practice in Learning, Teaching and Assessment including curriculum innovation based on research, practice and pedagogy
iv. matters that arise from external and internal student feedback surveys, including module and other evaluations, ensuring that appropriate work streams are in place
v. the implementation of the Faculty Learning, Teaching and Assessment Action Plan
vi. student engagement in the development of the Faculty Learning, Teaching and Assessment Action Plan, and other relevant faculty developments;
5. Contribute to the development of the Faculty Strategic Plan as it relates to Learning, Teaching and Assessment.