Hey Student

Uni have told us you're finishing at Christ Church this summer and we wanted to say good luck for your exams, coursework, and of course your results.

To help take some of the stress out of this time here's a heads-up on a few things going on.

Employability Workshops

You told us that 'Employment After Your Studies' was one of your top concerns so we've teamed up with Career Development to bring you these Employability Workshops for #LifeAfterUni week!

Life After Uni

The workshops have limited availability so make sure you book yourself in via The CORE on Blackboard.

Can't make these dates? Book and appointment with the Careers Team.

Work With Us!

Fancy working with us at the Students' Union? You could be our next Communications Intern in this 15-month paid role. The application deadline is 12th May so click here to find our more and apply.

Vacancy Banner

Graduate Guide

Your President (Education & Wellbeing), Nicola Ward has been working with the university to put together a guide for all graduates with advice on all sorts from finding a job to how to pay council tax! COMING SOON! Watch out for our next newsletter!

keep saving money

Finishing Uni doesn't have to be the end of student discounts. Sign-up for an NUS Extra discount card now and keep on saving for 3 more years! You get over 42,000 discounts here and abroad so it's great if you're going away this summer!

NUS Extra Link


We know this can be a stressful time so have a look at our stress busting tips and good luck!

Christ Church Students’ Union




