This year so far!

It's December, and we wanted to share what we have achieved this year so far and what we plan to achieve next year.

This year so far! 

It's December, and we wanted to share what we have achieved this year so far and what we plan to achieve next year. 

Christ Church Wins

From training the most course reps ever to our amazing cost of living crisis work we have had huge successes so far this year… 

Cost of living and learning crisis - We have been helping combat the cost of living crisis by spreading useful and helpful information to help you save money, get help and find out how we are helping students through this hard time. 

Cafe 41 hot drinks and soups - Linking in with the cost of living crisis we have opened a student warm hub right next to the students’ union that offers free hot drinks and soup. This is a warm place just for students so if you need somewhere to study or chill checkout cafe 41, 9-5 on Mondays-Fridays.

Most ever course reps trained - This year we have trained up our biggest cohort of course reps! This means we have more students to speak about any issues they are facing and the students’ union can help them fight for what they need. 

We have so many more wins some include

  • Union Council elected and in post (2 meetings so far)

  • Better wayfinding on the Canterbury Campus

  • Raised £2,562 for British Heart Foundation through our move out donations campaign

  • Freshers’ Week

  • Committees Training

  • Colour Run

  • International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating

  • Veg Box Scheme

  • Night time Safety Hubs

  • Medway Breakfasts

  • I Can Campaign

  • Social Justice and Sustainability Conference


We still have so much more to do and we cant wait to work even harder in semester 2 and create more wins for the students’ union. 

Our projects for 2023 include:

  • Good Neighbour Campaign 

  • Wait to Rent!

  • Your Campus Campaign

  • Varsity

  • Stress Less

  • Awards Season

  • Night Time Safety Campaign

  • Period Poverty

  • Trans and Non-Binary Awareness Campaign


Thank you to all our student groups, committees, and volunteers for helping us make these things happen.