VC's Q&A- Transformational Change Edition

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On Thursday 13th March, the Students’ Union hosted the second of the VC’s Q&A of the year, with this one having a specific focus on the Transformational Change programme. 

Here is a summary of the event; 

Q. With the University needing to save £20 million, and so many staff leaving, how will the University ensure that students’ education and wider student experience will be protected?

  • Staff at the University are very committed, and will continue to support students.

  • Student numbers have declined substantially.  At the same time staffing numbers have increased.  This is not sustainable.

  • The aim is to have the right number of staff to the number of students we have now.

  • The aim is also to improve student services, such as timetabling.

Q. What happens to research students if a supervisor leaves - what is the process for appointing a new supervisor?  Will students have an input into the appointment?

  • There are two people supporting PGR students - a Chair and a Supervisor.

  • Staff leaving is not unusual, and well supported.

  • Students would not normally input into the replacement process.

  • The Graduate College has the ability and capacity to manage this.

Q. Will a change of supervisor be considered for an extension request?  If so, what?

  • This will be managed on a case by case basis but this will not be an automatic grounds for an extension.

Q. Some PG students have noted the undertone in conversations with staff is very negative and focussed on uncertainty - how are University staff being supported through this change? 

  • Staff have access to internal and external support.

  • Staff who are leaving have further career support and training.

  • Staff are doing a tremendous job under difficult circumstances.

Q. What about workload for the staff who remain?  Can students expect the same support as previously?

  • In the main, yes.  The University is aligning itself to the size of the current student body.  The next 6-9 months during the transition there may be some issues.  However, the TCP is not just about saving money - it is also about improving services.  

  • Student Voice is important, and students should feel able to raise concerns via their Course Reps and the Students’ Union.

Q. Canterbury is a City that prides itself on its cultural heritage, why does it feel like humanities are being decimated?

  • Arts and Humanities are having a tough time globally, and the student demand is changing.

  • Student demand has changed the need for the number of departments across the UK.

  • It gets to the point where the student experience is not good with so few on any course.

  • Other courses are growing.

  • We are committed to being a multi-subject University.

Q. What is the future of support services for Medway? Given that the Reception Team is leaving and there is no presence of the Mental Wellbeing Team.  Will the Reception Team and Facilities be replaced? They are such a core part of the Medway Community. 

  • We are reviewing what we teach at Medway.

  • Looking at merging the Reception and i-zone functions in Rowan Williams, which will be an improvement from being in Cathedral Court.

Q.  What additional support (funding) can the University provide students on full-time placement? Especially in the NHS and when they are coming into a career later in life with dependents.

  • There is funding support, but it is not sufficient.

  • The University met with one of the Medway MPs last week, and raised this.

  • Asking Government for further funding support, and also loan forgiveness for students on medical courses.

Q. What strategic steps is the university taking to secure paid internship opportunities for international students, especially those in the post-graduate program?

  • This is being evaluated as the International Office works more collaboratively with the Careers Team

Q. My lecturer is using Gen AI to create teaching material used in seminar slides- if we did this we would get accused of plagiarism- how is this fair? 

  • The new world and rapid development of technology is changing dramatically - AI can be used as both a positive and a negative. AI can be used to draw down information, for both staff and students.  This is no different from visiting a library. However, everyone needs to present their own work and ensure it is referenced correctly.

Q. Is there a plan to introduce more modules on emerging skills like Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Sustainability Leadership, which are key for future careers?

  • The University is working with the new Academic Framework to embed emerging areas into the curriculum. We have our Academy for Sustainable Futures to embed sustainability across the curriculum. 

Q. What strategic steps is the university taking to secure paid internship opportunities for international students, especially those in the post-graduate program?

  • It is important that employability skills are built into every course.

Q. Is there any dedicated university-led support system that helps international students identify and apply for companies offering visa sponsorship post-study?

  • The University is not legally permitted to provide advice on post-study visas.

  • The International Office is having discussions on how to support students post-study.

  • We are expecting Government changes to the post-study visas in April.

  • The University has invested in Handshake, a careers platform, for all students.

  • In the new curriculum, there are ICE modules designed to embed careers and employability into the curriculum.

Q. How does the University manage conflicts between students and staff?

  • The priority is early resolution. There are a range of avenues for students to raise concerns, including your PAT and Report + Support.

Q. Do you think the removal of combined courses has impacted the number of students coming to the University?

  • I’ve always been a fan of Combined Honours Courses.   The decline in applications for Combined Honours courses has been significant.  When we decided to cease three years ago there were only about 20 applications.

Q. Is there any updates on making registration for students in person again? This is something that would help with building a better student experience, is it likely to happen for this September?

  • Yes this will be happening in September.

Q. What is happening at Solomons? There has been a recent change to the Clinical Psychology Doctorate, the EDI post has been terminated. This is incredibly concerning, especially for students who valued this role, and in particular the member of staff who was a safe space.

  • This information is only partially correct.  Every area has an EDI lead, with an academic staff member having this as part of their role, usually to the equivalent of one day per week.  The individual at Solomons has left the University, which is not unusual.  We are in the process of making an appointment to take over that responsibility.  In the meantime, the EDI Director will fill the gap and provide that support.  

  • More generally, EDI is too important and the University is absolutely committed to EDI.


Q. The footfall of students going into campus seems to have declined dramatically in recent years, and campus has lost the atmosphere it once had- how will this be improved?

  • The pandemic has changed all of our lives.  Patterns have changed.  The majority of students are commuting students, and the cost of living and travel has had an impact.  Changes to the timetable to reduce the need to commute so often.

  • SU Back on Campus was part of the response to create a more vibrant Campus.

  • Bringing the Student Services Hub in the new academic year into Maxwell Davis should also help.


Q. It's Ramadan and it seems like the University is not taking prayer facilities seriously enough - the mats need cleaning and there is not clear signage. What will the University do to respond?

  • The space we have is constrained, but we have found additional room in Canterbury and we have worked with colleagues at the other HEIs in Medway.  But, there is more to be done.  We may need a rethink about how and where.

  • If cleaning is an issue, then this can be reported to the Chief Estates Officer.

Q. What support is available now for postgraduate students that is not embedded in their course? We won’t see the impact of the changes for employability support coming in 2025. 

  • The Graduate College provides support for PGR and Masters students.

Q. What is the future of the Graduate College?

  • The Graduate College is the umbrella body for all postgraduate students.  There will be some changes to the GC, which are under consideration and consultation.  I’m aware the PGRA has written to the Dean, and the concerns raised will be considered.

What are the challenges the University faces?

  • Many of the challenges have already been addressed through questions. 

Will the PGRA have the opportunity to input into the TCP?

  • Yes.  I know Dr. Susan Milins is in contact with the PGRA.

How will you keep morale high in these challenging times?

  • This is challenging, as it would be for any organisation during change.  Trying to minimise the impact on staff and students.  Being open with staff and students, and involving them so they have a stake in inputting into the future of the University.

  • We work closely with the Staff Unions UCU and JNCC, including fortnightly meetings.
