President (Sports) Blog

President of the Week!

So.. it's that exciting time of the week again! Who is it this time?

Holly Wilson - Rounders

When I first started playing rounders in school I realised that although I wasn’t amazing at other sports like hockey and tennis, rounders was a sport that anyone could be good at because of the different skills in the game. This was probably one of the things that drew me to rounders, as well as it being such a relaxing and fun sport.

Going to university and trying to choose a sports team to join was a hard decision because although I wanted to play competitively I also wanted to have fun and not be under a constant pressure to play well. I think that is was one of reasons I joined rounders, because although they played competitively they also kept the focus on being all-inclusive and fun.

When I got asked if I would be running for committee last year I was a little shocked that people wanted me to and that they thought that I was the right sort of person for a committee role. I felt like I didn’t have the confidence and self belief to run for a position, but with people offering support I decided that I might as well give it a shot. Being president I feel has made me more confident in myself and improved the way I handle situations and people, which is something I will be very thankful for because for a long time I was a very quite and shy person.

Rounders at Christ Church has grown over the last couple of years, with over 100 members last year, and hopefully there will continue to be so much interest in the sport. Some people overlook rounders as just a children’s primary school game but it’s a great way to do some exercise, have some fun and feel a little bit a like kid again.