As the President (Community, Diversity & Inclusion) you are:
Focused on promoting inclusion for all students, championing diversity, ensuring students’ wellbeing and supporting the advancement of students as citizens in society.
A trustee of Christ Church Students’ Union as a charity.
A director of Christ Church Students’ Union as a company.
Lead liaison with the local community, including Canterbury City Council.
You will be paid £22,662 or more for the year (plus 17.5% employer pension contribution).
As the President (Community, Diversity & Inclusion) you will:
Champion and promote diversity and inclusion within the University, Students’ Union and the community, with a focus on underrepresented groups (e.g. BAME, LGBT+, Disabled, Mature and International students, student parents and carers).
Build and maintain relationships with local community organisations and groups, and promote student integration with the local communities of Canterbury and Medway.
Work closely with the University to further the collective wellbeing of students, and signpost students with individual wellbeing issues to appropriate specialist support.
Represent and enhance student experiences in relation to their wellbeing and students’ life in the community, with a focus on sustainability.
Represent the student voice on a number of University committees, including but not limited to Expect Respect, Sustainability, Suicide Prevention Strategy Group, Nightline Board of Stakeholders, Professional Services Sub-Committee.
Represent the student voice in matters related to diversity, inclusion and wellbeing (including mental, physical and sexual health)
Lead on campaigns that revolve directly around wellbeing, diversity, citizenship and inclusion.
As the President (Community, Diversity & Inclusion) you might:
Campaign on issues that although are not diversity, inclusion or wellbeing related in nature, affect students as students.
Run to become Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Students’ Union.
Engage with local and national campaigns and bodies.
Work with the President (Campaigns and Societies) to support the societies who actively campaign for issues surrounding student citizenship, diversity, inclusion and wellbeing.
As an elected officer you will:
Ensure your work is influenced by student needs and opinion.
Represent and engage with students of all types of study at all parts of campuses.
Work and support your team of fellow Presidents and Union Council Officers.
Be ready and willing to accept actions from Union Council and engage positively in the scrutiny process.
Plan a comprehensive programme of student engagement activities at the beginning of your term in office.
Work to deliver the Students’ Union’s strategic objectives, and contribute to the promotion of the vision, mission, and ambition, and share the Union’s values.
Engage in debate with team colleagues, holding each other to account and setting the Students’ Union’s priorities.
Run campaigns alongside your fellow Officers, pushing for change on a range of issues affecting students.
Ensure the Union is run sustainably, championing ethical and sustainable practises within the community.