As the President (Community, Diversity & Inclusion) you are:

  • Focused on promoting inclusion for all students, championing diversity, ensuring students’ wellbeing and supporting the advancement of students as citizens in society.

  • A trustee of Christ Church Students’ Union as a charity.

  • A director of Christ Church Students’ Union as a company.

  • Lead liaison with the local community, including Canterbury City Council.

  • You will be paid £22,662 or more for the year (plus 17.5% employer pension contribution). 


As the President (Community, Diversity & Inclusion) you will:

  • Champion and promote diversity and inclusion within the University, Students’ Union and the community, with a focus on underrepresented groups (e.g. BAME, LGBT+, Disabled, Mature and International students, student parents and carers).

  • Build and maintain relationships with local community organisations and groups, and promote student integration with the local communities of Canterbury and Medway.

  • Work closely with the University to further the collective wellbeing of students, and signpost students with individual wellbeing issues to appropriate specialist support.

  • Represent and enhance student experiences in relation to their wellbeing and students’ life in the community, with a focus on sustainability.

  • Represent the student voice on a number of University committees, including but not limited to Expect Respect, Sustainability, Suicide Prevention Strategy Group, Nightline Board of Stakeholders, Professional Services Sub-Committee.

  • Represent the student voice in matters related to diversity, inclusion and wellbeing (including mental, physical and sexual health)

  • Lead on campaigns that revolve directly around wellbeing, diversity, citizenship and inclusion.


As the President (Community, Diversity & Inclusion) you might:

  • Campaign on issues that although are not diversity, inclusion or wellbeing related in nature, affect students as students.

  • Run to become Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Students’ Union.

  • Engage with local and national campaigns and bodies.

  • Work with the President (Campaigns and Societies) to support the societies who actively campaign for issues surrounding student citizenship, diversity, inclusion and wellbeing.


As an elected officer you will:

  • Ensure your work is influenced by student needs and opinion.

  • Represent and engage with students of all types of study at all parts of campuses.

  • Work and support your team of fellow Presidents and Union Council Officers.

  • Be ready and willing to accept actions from Union Council and engage positively in the scrutiny process.

  • Plan a comprehensive programme of student engagement activities at the beginning of your term in office.

  • Work to deliver the Students’ Union’s strategic objectives, and contribute to the promotion of the vision, mission, and ambition, and share the Union’s values.

  • Engage in debate with team colleagues, holding each other to account and setting the Students’ Union’s priorities.

  • Run campaigns alongside your fellow Officers, pushing for change on a range of issues affecting students.

  • Ensure the Union is run sustainably, championing ethical and sustainable practises within the community.